Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some voices never die.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

Much too often we’ve made mistakes which knowingly or unknowingly we are going to repeat, and yet promise not to make the same mistakes again. One of the mistakes that I often make and which I’ll correct here is to generalize what applies to me alone. Henceforth, I speak for myself, there is only ‘I’ and ‘me’ and no ‘we’ when making claims. Hence.

Much too often I’ve made mistakes which knowingly or unknowingly I am going to repeat, and yet promise not to make the same mistakes again and loop. 

Some mistakes are imbibed with birth, and are made when all other mistakes are being committed in succession and things are falling apart like the domino effect accompanied by a train of ‘Oh Shit!’s and curses.  

To err is in humans bred,
Doubt and fret, than to seek instead.
The wisdom of our ancestors was passed down in undiminished quantities through our genetic code. We have the combined wisdom of what our mothers and fathers had while our seeds were sown, and the wisdom that we gained thereafter on our own. It’s not forbidden to have it, but it’s never too apparent either, it takes a little something to decode a code, the piece of Eden some desperately seek.

I plucked the finest roses from the gardens,
Stuck them in pages and laid them on dry tombs,
While poets struck in them the finest tunes,
I in my naiveté merely hummed along.

I gaze at the prose and pieces written by poets and sit helplessly in amazement and wonder, with little success what might have prompted them to write something that continues to live long after their creators are sleeping cold, and what influence? They are subtle, powerful and the influence is still unabated.

The ciphers from distant lands,
Travelled far and wide,
To land up in unworthy hands,
For all their efforts despite?

 In the simple nuances of the forgotten poets do I find the clues holding promise to be the key of what I seek. What I seek, is something I am not too sure of, it is like looking across a waterfall and that is why I want to know it all.

Masters scrambled the words to conceal,
Roads leading to the treasure’s post,
Plain as the nature is, needs but plain sight to see,
The wisdom long gone, was never lost.

I’ve met people, I’ve liked people, and I’ve disliked people, formed opinions with what they looked like or behaved like. I like to believe that most of us live many lives, and seldom the real life. Even when alone, we are trying to mould ourselves, in a bid to outdo ourselves and become something that we think would make us better, but would regret sooner or later do to loss of intrinsic nature. But then again, I’d only want to talk for myself. I live like that. Part apologetic, part hypocritical, part proud and part self mocking. People mock me, I mock people, and sometimes wonder what made me like that? A little thing of beauty that semiconductors have taught me is that once they are doped, they become more conducive to be operated upon. They conduct more, and hence, react to little stimulus in a way they would have when subjected to their extremes when in their intrinsic states.

The cause of fall of Eden,
Just because of a tree?

That feels just so wrong.

They tell me to depart from mediocrity if I am to shine, and allow my heart and mind to judge, the feel and the sense. Don’t get me wrong if I hush myself after vehement blows. It’s not subjugation or diffidence; it’s not surrender, at all. I repair myself when no one watches.

To err is human, to forgive divine.
(Redundant, rhetorical.)


Giribala said...

Beautiful! Keep the verses rolling!

Tanvi said...

Mistakes make us human.... Rest is upto you, what you would like to be.... human or inhuman

Pondering over things..some voices never die, and the most recurring is the one inside us


Rahul Bhatia said...

Very well said! The example of doping of semiconductors was brilliant and was very cohesive with the rest of the literary flow!

Carnett Rose said...

The conscience is alive in most of us and no one is without self-doubt or awareness of the fact that despite our best efforts, we still make mistakes.

Very well-written. :)

Anonymous said...

I liked the semiconductors theory...

I am discovering the power of forgiveness these days, too little I have forgiven yet a lot it helped....

As awesomely written, as always!

anatreek said...

The ciphers from distant lands,
Travelled far and wide,
To land up in unworthy hands,
For all their efforts despite?


Red Handed said...

You are one person who can craft philosophical words and yet keep me reading. I loved this one. So deep!
Indeed our virtues are passed down to us by our parents...

Aayushi Mehta said...

"Don’t get me wrong if I hush myself after vehement blows. It’s not subjugation or diffidence; it’s not surrender, at all. I repair myself when no one watches."

Those were lines with such character. Enjoyed reading this post.

PhilO♥ said...

Don't we all try to not make the same mistakes again and again? But then, we fall into it again and again. Isn't it a cycle? :)
You penned it very well! Lovely read :) Glad you're back, you know! :)

Unknown said...

so true: most of us DO live multiple lives rather than one.. we are many people at once...
thought-provoking post.
good to see you're blogging again :)

KP said...

Very nice combination of your words and someone else's verses.. at times I wonder how someone somewhere wrote something that makes perfect sense to me now! :0

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

@ Giribala
Thank You!

@ Tanvi
SuperHuman :D

Thank you.

@ Rose
Thank you :)

@ Chintan
Do let me know when you make ample progress

@ Ana
So am I.

@ RH
Thank You :)

@ Ayushi
Thank You!

@ Juhi
Thank You :)

@ Mehak
:) It's been a long time.

@ Krishnapriya

Nova said...

To err is human, to forgive divine and to forget blissful :)

Suruchi said...

There is so much I want to say reading this Anshul and I know you are thinking-when does she ever have less to say? When you speak of it all as I, I think you do not realize that the I is never really alone or by speak of us!

Why so many people relate to what you say(I know I do) is because you somehow manage to vent some hidden thoughts that we’ve mulled over, some fears that we have struggled with, some boredom that we try to ward off and some searches that we all try to know better. I know I keep searching for something...I look in people and things for where else would I find something of not in them. And the fact that I am still looking makes me wonder about the search...We all live many lives, perhaps the search is to find out which one of these lives or selves is the actual one and which others are just influences!

I know of no one who loves Literature like you do!
I see no one pondering over verses and lines of poets gone by like you do and it is very apparent what a tremendous effect it has on you...and it is something you should not leave. In reading and good reading we live lives:-)

I loved the closing lines too...and the fact that you say you repair yourself when no one watches made me smile:-)

Btw, did I mention I loved the post:-)

nil said...

That, my dear friend, was exquisite!

nil said...

"Don’t get me wrong if I hush myself after vehement blows. It’s not subjugation or diffidence; it’s not surrender, at all. I repair myself when no one watches."

Goddammit. Wow.

Rià said...

Wow the last line was too good...and the example of doping semi conductors, just too good! I prefer to forgive then to live with the grudge all my life.

Purba said...
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Purba said...

It is our mistakes that makes us human, it is through them we learn. Be proud of them and wear them like a badge.

Of course we are not perfect and thank God for that!

Lilangel said...

Loved the post and the verses...that's so true ...some voices will never die..the last line was profound and reflected the simplicity :)

Kunal said...

Pardon my ignorance...but can you enlighten us about the verses in the post. If they are taken from somewhere..or are they yours...

Either way..they are just divine...

And so is the rest of the post...Pure Bliss.

Saru Singhal said...

What about forget? As I can't do that...I can forgive, not that I am divine...I forgive as I don't want to carry the extra baggage...

Thought provoking post, Anshul...Good, that you are back, we missed you:)

Irina M. said...

" is like looking across a waterfall and that is why I want to know it all."

Anshul, I liked your post and the words above made me pause.

It's a beautiful me it sounded like the beginning of a book or ...even its title.

A new year in more than just one sense.



⁂ܓVållῐ ⁂ܓ☺ said...

Lovely post...I loved the example you used in this post....'Semiconductors'

Cloud Nine said...

Glad to have you back! Wonderful verses..."To forgive is divine"!

Blasphemous Aesthete said...


You made my day!
I hope I never let go of reading literature.

:) Thank You!

That is good.

Better said than done, does it not bother you when you make silly mistakes? It bothers me a lot, there must be something wrong with me.
I'd rather wear experience on face than mistakes.

Thank You.

Thank You. Enlightenment is yours to seek though. :P

Forgetting is just as good.

Glad that you like it.

Thank You.

@Cloud Nine
Thank You!

Cinderella said...

I think our lives are such a continuum of editions and versions of ourselves induced from the vagaries of elements that touch us and and juxtapose us on a newer course every time they do...that putting down in a bullet list of what we exactly are is a process is futile.

In this web of epiphanies and evolutions hence, mired with entangled emotions we function just akin to the semi-conductors you talk about....why or how that happens, I guess nobody knows.

"I repair myself when nobody watches."

I love this thought, simply because it brings home all the ruminations that thought-provoking post ensues. Its wonderfully soothing and optimistic to a heart that traverses in reckonings.

One of my favorite posts from you Anshul. Aesthetic Blasphemy is one page I have found in years of my being here, where I find thoughts running parallel.

Nia said...

your pieces are very critical. my mind has to move on par with your post and assilimate the flow to catch the meaning. very good word play! even though i have to take time and effort to digest, i must say, you're one hell of a writer and i appreciate such great pieces!

Pls do visit my blog sometime! :-)

Ph_ said...

*What I seek, is something I am not too sure of, it is like looking across a waterfall and that is why I want to know it all. *
*I repair myself when no one watches.*

The post is as always awesome but these two line are stuck in my head. Very realistic and straight forward.

Joe said...

Wow...Great post... The verses sync well :)

Yougal said...

The ciphers from distant lands,
Travelled far and wide,
To land up in unworthy hands,
For all their efforts despite?

accha hai.. :)

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